You've been on my mind and heart. I see you struggling and planning, worrying and sweating, crying and running, at a furious pace. You're trying to move that mountain by yourself again, huh?
God asks that we cast all our cares on Him because He cares. Think about what your worrying says to God when you refuse to give things over to Him.
When you worry about money, you're telling Him that He is unable to provide for His creatures ... that although He has riches beyond belief in Heaven, He is too stingy to share them with you.
When you worry that no one understands you, you're telling Him that although He has been with you since before you were formed in the womb, and has carved you into the palm of His hand, He doesn't know you.
When you worry that you will not have enough food, you're telling Him that although He rained down bread from Heaven in the desert to feed His children, you are the one He's forgotten.
When you worry that your enemies will have victory over you, you're telling God that although He has given you spiritual battlegear to defend yourself, that despite His track record of being a giant slayer, Red Sea divider, lion mouth closer and a furnace cooler, He can't handle your co-worker, your neighbor or a former friend.
When you worry that your children have decided to follow the world instead of your example, you're telling God that He doesn't keep His promises.... That despite the fact that you have raised them up in the way they should go, they'll stray because basically, He lied.
When you worry because the doctors told you that children are impossible, that a cure is impossible, that healing is impossible, you're telling Him that this world controls your fate. You're saying that prayer time with Him is nearly something to pass the time. You're saying that although He can raise the dead, make a virgin conceive, open the womb of a woman well past eighty, heal a 12 year issue of blood, make the blind see and the lame walk, He can't help you.
When you worry that no one will love you, that you'll be lonely for the rest of your life, you're telling Him that His love is insufficient ... that He couldn't possibly love you enough to ward away loneliness. You're saying that although He has promised life more abundantly, He was lying .... that despite the fact that He started off saying that it is not good that we be alone, He's changed His mind.
When you worry and refuse to give the problem over to Him, you're telling Him that although He could create the world, He can't handle what's going on in your world, so you will. You are saying that He won't work things out, that obstacles cannot be overcome, that mountains can't be climbed, that healing cannot occur, that what is lost will not be found, that joy does not come in the morning, that He is not the God of a second chance, that the promised land has been swallowed up by the desert, that you have discovered the height, depth and width of His love and found it to fall short of your needs.
Think about all that you're saying to the one who loves you the most and who has all power, really think about it. Then open you hands and release what you've been holding onto. Bow down on your knees and ask Him to forgive you for doubting Him. Walk away with a peaceful heart and note the footsteps that go before you to make the crooked places straight, a way in the wilderness, and later springing forth in the desert.
"Stand in a stream with waters around your ankles. The waters that pass by you at that moment, you will never see again. So it is with the misery that has challenged your life ... let it go, let it pass away."
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Subconscious Mind!
What if I told you that there was a part of your mind that is always working, even when you are asleep? This part of your mind is known as...
جب جوبن تیرا ڈھل جائے جب پیار کی عمر نکل جائے جب چھوڑ دے تجھ کو حُسن تیرا جب چہرہ پُر ہو جھریوں سے جب زلف کے خم نہ ہوں باقی جب رنگت ...
یہ چاند تارے فدا ہوں تجھ پر، الٹ دے تُو جو نقاب جاناں بہار ساری نثار تجھ پر، ہے چیز کیا یہ گلاب جاناں شمار کرتا ہوں خود کو تجھ پر، تُو زندگی...
This is a story told about a soldier who was finally coming home after having fought in Vietnam. He called his parents from San Francisco....