Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Internal Coding Guidelines

Table of Contents

1. Introduction 1

2. Style Guidelines 2

2.1 Tabs &
Indenting 2

2.2 Bracing 2

2.3 Commenting 2

2.3.1 Documentation Comments... 2

2.3.2 Comment Style............ 3

2.4 Spacing 3

2.5 Naming 4

2.6 Naming
Conventions 4

2.6.1 Interop Classes........ 4

2.7 File
Organization 5

1. Introduction

First, read the .NET Framework Design
Guidelines. Almost all naming conventions, casing rules, etc., are spelled out
in this document. Unlike the Design Guidelines document, you should treat this
document as a set of suggested guidelines. These generally do not effect the customer
view so they are not required.

2. Style Guidelines

2.1 Tabs & Indenting

Tab characters (\0x09) should not be used
in code. All indentation should be done with 4 space characters.

2.2 Bracing

Open braces should always be at the
beginning of the line after the statement that begins the block. Contents of
the brace should be indented by 4 spaces. For example:

if (someExpression)








“case” statements should be indented from
the switch statement like this:



case 0:



case 1:



case 2:


int n = 1;





Braces should never be considered
optional. Even for single statement blocks, you should always use braces. This
increases code readability and maintainability.

for (int i=0;
i<100; i++) { DoSomething(i); }

2.3 Single line statements

Single line statements can have braces
that begin and end on the same line.

public class Foo


int bar;

public int Bar


get { return bar; }

set { bar = value; }



It is suggested
that all control structures (if, while, for, etc.) use braces, but it is not

2.4 Commenting

Comments should be used to describe
intention, algorithmic overview, and/or logical flow. It would be ideal, if from reading the comments alone, someone
other than the author could understand a function’s intended behavior and
general operation. While there are no minimum comment requirements and
certainly some very small routines need no commenting at all, it is hoped that
most routines will have comments reflecting the programmer’s intent and

2.4.1 Copyright notice

Each file should start with a copyright
notice. To avoid errors in doc comment builds, you don’t want to use
triple-slash doc comments, but using XML makes the comments easy to replace in
the future. Final text will vary by product (you should contact legal for the
exact text), but should be similar to:


// <copyright file="ContainerControl.cs"

// Copyright (c) Microsoft
Corporation. All rights reserved.

// </copyright>


2.4.2 Documentation Comments

All methods should use XML doc comments.
For internal dev comments, the <devdoc> tag should be used.

public class Foo


/// <summary>Public stuff about the method</summary>

/// <param name=”bar”>What a neat parameter!</param>

/// <devdoc>Cool internal stuff!</devdoc>


public void MyMethod(int bar) { … }


However, it is common that you would want
to move the XML documentation to an external file – for that, use the
<include> tag.

public class Foo


/// <include file='doc\Foo.uex'
path='docs/doc[@for="Foo.MyMethod"]/*' />


public void MyMethod(int bar)
{ … }


UNDONE§ there is a big doc with all the
comment tags we should be using… where is that?

2.4.3 Comment Style

The // (two slashes)
style of comment tags should be used in most situations.
Where ever possible, place comments above the code
instead of beside it.
Here are some examples:

// This is required for WebClient to work through the proxy

GlobalProxySelection.Select = new

// Create object to access Internet resources


WebClient myClient = new WebClient();

Comments can be placed at the end of a
line when space allows:

public class SomethingUseful


int itemHash; // instance member

static bool hasDoneSomething; // static member


2.5 Spacing

Spaces improve readability by decreasing
code density. Here are some guidelines for the use of space characters within

  • Do use a single space after a comma between function arguments.

    Console.In.Read(myChar, 0, 1);

    Wrong: Console.In.Read(myChar,0,1);

  • Do not use a space after the parenthesis and
    function arguments

    CreateFoo(myChar, 0, 1)

    Wrong: CreateFoo( myChar, 0, 1 )

  • Do not use spaces between a function name and


    Wrong: CreateFoo ()

  • Do not use spaces inside brackets.

    : x = dataArray[index];

    Wrong: x = dataArray[ index ];

  • Do use a single space before flow control statements

    while (x == y)

    Wrong: while(x==y)

  • Do use a single space before and after comparison operators

    if (x == y)

    Wrong: if (x==y)

2.6 Naming

Follow all .NET Framework Design
Guidelines for both internal and external members. Highlights of these include:

  • Do not use Hungarian notation

  • Do not use a prefix for member variables
    (_, m_, s_, etc.). If you want to distinguish between local and member
    variables you should use “this.” in C# and “Me.
    in VB.NET.

  • Do use camelCasing for member variables

  • Do use camelCasing for parameters

  • Do use camelCasing for local variables

  • Do use PascalCasing for function,
    property, event, and class names

  • Do prefix interfaces names with “I”

  • Do not prefix enums, classes, or delegates
    with any letter

The reasons to extend the public rules (no
Hungarian, no prefix for member variables, etc.) is to produce a consistent
source code appearance. In addition a goal is to have clean readable source.
Code legibility should be a primary goal.

2.7 Naming Conventions

2.7.1 Interop Classes

Classes that are there for interop
wrappers (DllImport statements) should follow the naming convention below:

  • NativeMethods – No suppress unmanaged code
    attribute, these are methods that can be used anywhere because a stack
    walk will be performed.

  • UnsafeNativeMethods – Has suppress unmanaged code
    attribute. These methods are potentially dangerous and any caller of these methods must do a
    full security review to ensure that the usage is safe and protected as no
    stack walk will be performed.

  • SafeNativeMethods – Has suppress unmanaged code
    attribute. These methods are safe and can be used fairly safely and the
    caller isn’t needed to do full security reviews even though no stack walk
    will be performed.

class NativeMethods


private NativeMethods() {}


internal static extern void
FormatHardDrive(string driveName);



class UnsafeNativeMethods


private UnsafeNativeMethods()


internal static extern void
CreateFile(string fileName);



class SafeNativeMethods


private SafeNativeMethods() {}


internal static extern void
MessageBox(string text);


All interop classes must be private, and all methods must be internal. In addition a private constructor should be provided to
prevent instantiation.

2.8 File Organization

  • Source files should contain only one public
    type, although multiple internal classes are allowed

  • Source files should be given the name of the
    public class in the file

  • Directory names should follow the namespace
    for the class

For example, I would expect to find the
public class “System.Windows.Forms.Control” in

  • Classes member should be alphabetized, and grouped into sections (Fields, Constructors,
    Properties, Events, Methods, Private interface implementations, Nested

  • Using statements should be inside the
    namespace declaration.

namespace MyNamespace


using System;

public class MyClass : IFoo



int foo;


public MyClass() { … }


public int Foo { get { … } set { … } }


public event EventHandler FooChanged { add { … } remove {
… } }


void DoSomething() { … }

void FindSomethind() { … }

//private interface implementations

void IFoo.DoSomething() {
DoSomething(); }

// nested types

class NestedType { … }



Subconscious Mind!

What if I told you that there was a part of your mind that is always working, even when you are asleep? This part of your mind is known as...