Thursday, February 01, 2024

Subconscious Mind!

What if I told you that there was a part of your mind that is always working, even when you are asleep? This part of your mind is known as the subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind is one of the most powerful tools that we have access to as humans. It is responsible for our automatic behaviors, daily habits, and thoughts, and it can be used to help us achieve our goals in life or become happier and more successful.

In this article, I will discuss the 3 levels of awareness, what is the subconscious mind, and how it works. Then I will explain how it affects our lives and will finish by revealing how to unlock the power of your subconscious mind. We will also talk about how to eliminate fear and negative self-talk from your life, and replace them with positive thoughts and actions.

What are the 3 levels of awareness?

The three levels of awareness are the unconscious, subconscious, and conscious mind.

The unconscious mind is the most primitive part of our mind where our instincts and survival mechanisms reside. The subconscious mind is the middle layer, and it is responsible for our habits, memories, and emotions. The conscious mind is the last layer, and this is where we process information, make decisions, and is our immediate awareness that you are experiencing as you read this.

The subconscious and unconscious minds are very powerful because they control 85% of our behavior. This means that if we want to change our behavior or achieve a goal, we need to access the subconscious mind and change our programming.

What is the subconscious mind and how does it work?

A common question I get all the time is: What is the subconscious mind? The subconscious mind can be best described as a storage bin for all of our memories and emotions, both positive and negative. It also houses our automatic behaviors, daily habits, and beliefs. Some of these came from our genes which I refer to as nature-given, and some came from our environment where we grew up and I refer to these as nurture-given.

The subconscious mind is always working, even when you are not consciously aware of it. In fact, a lot of what we do on a daily basis is controlled by our subconscious mind. For example, when you are driving and suddenly realize that you have arrived at your destination without consciously thinking about it, that's your subconscious mind in action.

The subconscious mind also controls our emotions and thoughts. This means that if we have a fear or phobia, it is stored in our subconscious mind. These fears can turn into something called "subconscious blocks" or negative paradigms which prevent us from achieving the success and happiness that we want in our lives.

How does the subconscious work?

I don't want this post to become a dissertation so I will keep it short. It is known that our brain is made up of two hemispheres, the left and right. The subconscious mind is controlled by the right hemisphere of our brain. This part of your mind does not speak in words or sentences, but rather communicates through thoughts and emotions which create mental impressions. Then, based on all your experiences, your subconscious mind will filter all the information you are letting in and it will then edit your responses.

Why is the subconscious mind so powerful?

The subconscious mind is incredibly powerful and it has a direct influence on how we feel, think, speak and act. Eighty-five percent of our daily activities are driven by the subconscious mind. Basically, if you want to create permanent changes in your life, you will have to reprogram your subconscious mind.

If our habits are controlled by the subconscious mind then how do we go about changing them? The key is repetition.

What is an example of the subconscious mind in action?

An example of the subconscious mind in action would be our daily habits like brushing our teeth, driving or even watching TV. These are activities that we do on a regular basis and don't require much thought to complete.

Another example would be if you have a goal to get in better shape. Your body has been accustomed to sugar and chips that it might be difficult to get on a fitness and healthy eating plan. You might start but the temptation will be so strong that it becomes easier to quit.

Another example would be if you want to start a business or move to a new country. These ideas would trigger fear and anxiety but you have the ability to reprogram your subconscious so you push through these emotions.

Tip 1: How do I access my subconscious mind?

Before answering this question it is critical to make the distinction between the conscious, analytical, and subconscious mind. This is important to know to help us increase our awareness as we create a model to understand the mind.

Our conscious mind is our thinking mind, our educated mind. It's our intellect and is the part of our mind that we have 100% control over. Here we can choose our thoughts, accept, reject or ignore any idea that we want to think.

Our subconscious mind is our emotional mind and the emotional part of our personality. Here is where the conditioned behaviors and belief systems are located and where our paradigms live. This part of the mind only accepts ideas that are delivered to it with emotion and repetition.


Now that we know the difference, I want to introduce the analytical mind which is the one standing between the conscious and the subconscious mind. The analytical mind is full of information, things, and always worrying about time. It is like a computer machine processing everything and never being able to stop. For this same reason, our brain is always producing 13-40 Hz beta brainwaves which is a very active state of mind. In this state, we are not able to access the subconscious mind.

So how do we go about accessing our subconscious mind? We first need to produce 4-7 Hz theta brainwaves. At this stage, our brain activity decelerates to the point where our body is asleep but the person is awake. We stop our conscious mind from taking in information from the outside world and our thoughts become more centered. You feel more present and this new state of being is no longer worried about negative thoughts or people. This is the only way when the subconscious mind can be accessed.

We can lower our brainwaves with meditation, diaphragmatic breathing, and brainwave entrainment. This will switch your mind from "beta state" to "theta state" where you can reprogram your subconscious mind. As an additional tip to increase the chances of success, doing the meditations early in the day or right before going to bed are very good times because your mind and body are relaxed.

Tip 2: How do I change my mindset or beliefs?

Once you have access your subconscious mind, you can now start reprogramming it. You do this through repetition and by getting emotionally involved with a constructive idea, this is the only way to rewire your neurons. The subconscious mind doesn't know what is real or not, and when we feed specific thoughts or positive thinking, the mind will believe it to be true and make them a reality. This is where affirmations, using your imagination and emotions become very powerful because they are positive actions that we repeat over and over again until it becomes part of our subconscious mind. By using your imagination and allowing yourself to get emotionally involved with the idea you want to become, you start to rewire your neurons and a new personality starts to be created.

Affirmations, thoughts, and emotions have to be believable and expressed in the present tense, for example: "I am now a healthy person" or "I can easily earn more money". These positive statements will help you change your mindset and beliefs over time which will eventually lead to success and happiness.

Tip 3: How can I be aware of my negative subconscious thoughts?

Our conscious mind and brain are constantly processing all the information we perceive through our five senses; see, hear, smell, touch, and taste. This information triggers thoughts and these thoughts produce emotions which is the language of the subconscious mind. If we want to be aware of our subconscious thoughts we will need to take a step back and start putting more attention to our emotions that are triggered by our environment and circumstances.

This is a learning process where you want to bring awareness to your conscious mind of your behavior when a situation arises. Below are five steps that will help your conscious mind become more aware of your subconscious emotions.

  1. First, pick one situation where you are not happy with the results you are getting. Observe your environment and pay attention to the details.
  2. Describe the situation in as much detail as possible.
  3. Use the information you wrote above and highlight words that evoke a strong feeling. (I did not like, he/she made me feel, is not fair, he/she doesn't like me, never/always, blame, guilt).
  4. You can now make a list of negative subconscious emotions.
  5. Repeating steps 1 through 4 several times will help you become more aware of your emotions and would serve as a barometer to the type of subconscious mind you have.

What type of subconscious mind do you have? a positive or negative one?



Tuesday, January 30, 2024

اپنی الجھن کو بڑھانے کی ضرورت کیا ہے

اپنی الجھن کو بڑھانے کی ضرورت کیا ہے

چھوڑنا ہے تو بہانے کی ضرورت کیا ہے

لگ چکی آگ تو لازم ہے دھواں اٹھے گا

درد کو دل میں چھپانے کی ضرورت کیا ہے

آج بیٹھے ہیں ترے پاس کئی دوست نئے

اب تجھے دوست پرانے کی ضرورت کیا ہے

ساتھ رہتے ہو مگر ساتھ نہیں رہتے ہو 

ایسے رشتے کو نبھانے کی ضرورت کیا ہے

خُود کو آزاد کِیا

خُود کو آزاد کِیا

دِل سے اُتاری دُنیا

مُنہ پہ دُنیا کے

بڑی زور سے ماری دُنیا

لوگ دُنیا کے لئے

تخت بچھانے میں رہے

ہم نے جوتے کی طرح

پہنی اُتاری دُنیا۔۔!!

‏ہم تو آنسو ہیں ...

‏ہم تو آنسو ہیں ہمیں خاک میں مل جانا ہے

میتوں کے لیے ڈولی نہیں آیا کرتی

بستر ہجر پہ سویا نہیں جاتا اکثر

نیند آتی تو ہے گہری نہیں آیا کرتی

صرف رنگوں سے کبھی رس نہیں  ٹپکا کرتا

کاغذی پھول پہ تتلی نہیں آیا کرتی

موت نے یاد کیا ہے یا مظفر اُس نے

اپنی مرضی سے تو ہچکی نہیں آیا کرتی

مظفر وارثی

Experience | 17th January, 2024

17 January 2024

The recent meeting was truly memorable, featuring standout performances from our role players. TM Hamnah kicked off the session, followed by our president TM Hamza, who welcomed the guest and introduced the Toastmaster of the day, TM Musa.

TM Musa captivated the audience with exceptional storytelling and shared insightful life experiences. Meeting leaders included TM Hamza as the timer, TM Yahya as the Ah counter, and the Vote counter, with TM Hassan serving as the Grammarian.

In the first segment, we had four speakers. TM Hassan delivered a humorous speech on procrastination, leaving the audience in stitches. TM Hadi gave an impressive icebreaker, sharing personal anecdotes and experiences. TM Yahya explored the pros and cons of technology, providing a speech rich in facts and real-life examples. Our young guest, Wahi Waqas, showcased her passion for art, making her speech truly engaging. 

Table topics, led by TM Hamnah, brought forth thought-provoking questions, and speakers excelled in this segment, adding another layer to the unforgettable meeting. In the evaluation segment, TM Hamza called upon evaluators for each speaker, and constructive feedback was given. DTM Waqas provided excellent evaluations for the table topics. Meeting leaders delivered their reports, culminating in an overall meeting report. 

The meeting concluded with the announcement of segment winners, adding a touch of excitement to the event. 

Tuesday, September 01, 2020

تم ایک نازک سے دل کی دھڑکن، ہو ایک شاعر کا خواب جاناں

یہ چاند تارے فدا ہوں تجھ پر، الٹ دے تُو جو نقاب جاناں
بہار ساری نثار تجھ پر، ہے چیز کیا یہ گلاب جاناں
شمار کرتا ہوں خود کو تجھ پر، تُو زندگی کا حساب جاناں
ہے تُو جوانی، ہے تُو ہی مستی، ہے تُو ہی میرا شباب جاناں
تری محبت کو میرے دل نے سنبھال رکھا ہے خود میں ایسے
کہ جیسے خود میں سنبھال رکھے، کتاب کوئی گلاب جاناں
ہےحرف آغاز تُو ہی جاناں تو حرف آخر بھی تُو ہی اِس کا
ہے تُو ہی تفسیر، تُو خلاصہ، تُو زندگی کی کتاب جاناں
کبھی نہ خود کو بکھرنے دینا، کبھی نہ رونا، خیال رکھنا
تم ایک نازک سے دل کی دھڑکن، ہو ایک شاعر کا خواب جاناں
تری وفا کی، ترے یقیں کی قسم ہے مجھ کو ترا رہے گا
جہاں ہو، جس حال میں ہو راجا، ہو خوب یا ہو خراب جاناں

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

“My Dying Conscience”: Lovely poem by Reshmi Trivedi

Lovely poem by Reshmi Trivedi
Sometimes in the dark of the night,
I visit my conscience  
To see if  it is still breathing,
For its dying a slow death
Every day.

When I pay for a meal in a fancy place.
An amount which is perhaps the monthly income
Of the guard who holds the door open.
And quickly I shrug away that thought,
It dies a little.

When I buy vegetables from the vendor,
And his son "chhotu" smilingly weighs the potatoes,
Chhotu, a small child, who should be studying at school.
 I look the other way
It dies a little.

When I am decked up in a designer dress,
A dress that cost a bomb
And I see a woman at the crossing,
In tatters,trying unsuccessfully to save her dignity.
And I immediately  roll up my window.
It dies a little.

When I buy expensive gifts for my children,
On return,  I see half clad children,
With empty stomach and hungry eyes,
Selling toys at red light
I try to save my conscience by buying some, yet
It dies a little.

When my sick  maid sends her daughter to work,
Making her bunk school
I know I should tell her to go back.
But I look at the loaded sink and dirty dishes,
And I tell myself that is just for a couple of days
It dies a little.

When I hear about a rape
or a murder of a child,
I feel sad, yet a little thankful that it's not my child.
I can not  look at myself  in the mirror,
It dies a little.

When people fight over caste creed and religion.
I feel hurt and helpless
I tell  myself that my country is going to the dogs,
I blame the corrupt politicians,
Absolving myself of all responsibilities
It dies a little.

When my city is choked.
Breathing is dangerous  in the smog ridden metropolis,
I take my car to work daily ,
Not taking  the metro,not trying car pool.
One car won't make a difference, I think
It dies a little.

So when in the dark of the night,
I visit my conscience
And find it still breathing
I am surprised.
For, with my own hands
Daily, bit by bit, I kill it, I bury it.

Monday, November 26, 2018

The Sooner You Accept These 13 Brutal Truths About Life The Better Your Life Will Become

Life is hard. It's not all flowers and roses like they sell us in Hollywood movies. There are a lot of difficulties that we need to go through.

The best way to live life is by knowing certain things that are universal truths. You can't deny them and if you deny them for too long, you are up for a rough time.

To go through life smoothly, you need to accept the following truths wholeheartedly. It's for your best.

1. Everyone and Everything that we love will be lost

It's a harsh truth, but we can't avert our minds from it. Someday, you'll lose the people you love. Everything you've put your effort into will be lost too. There's nothing you can do about it. Mend your relationships, value the moments you have with yourself and your loved ones. It may all be gone the next moment. Cherish it all.

2. Even if you are good, expect that bad things will happen to you

It's a sad thing, but if you are good – bad things will happen to you. The good die young and the ones who are very brave perish easily. It's just how things work. What we can do is not let them die without cause or purpose.

3. Life won't ever be fair

Don't ask for fairness. Life isn't meant to be fair. The best people don't always get what they deserve and things don't always go our way. The least we can do is have a positive mind and enjoy whatever life gives us.

4. Don't expect people to be nice

There are rude people out there. However nice you might be, however nicely you treat them, they are going to be rude. Don't expect them to change. Don't change yourself. Remain kind because it's worth it.

5. We are never going to be perfect

We are not perfect. Nobody is. Neither can we ever be perfect. Stop looking for perfection. Try to address your weaknesses and improve them so that they don't make your life any messier.

6. Change will happen whether you want it or not

Nothing remains stable. You might think something to be permanent but the next moment it might go all upside-down. Change is inevitable. Don't resist it.

7. Wasted time is time lost forever

Wasted time is dead and gone. Time always flows and it flows forward. It never comes back for you. Once you have grown old, you're never going to go back. Every second counts. So start managing your time better. It's not as hard as you think it is!

8. It's not always going to be the way we think it will be

You may plan however way you want your life to go for you, but life is uncertain. However well you plan it, it may just go to waste. That's okay – we learn and we pick up ourselves and move on.

9. It's not money but time that's precious

Money is necessary. I'm not denying that but what is more important is time. Managing time and not wasting it in playfulness will help you with doing what you wished to achieve. And that's happiness.

10. Don't try to make everybody happy

Nobody can make everybody happy. You'll always have someone who'll criticize you, and someone will always try to stop you from doing what you had always wanted to do. Try to be happy yourself. Those who value you will be happy with your happiness.

11. To live comfortably, be productive

You can't live life without a purpose. You must have a goal to pursue that will lend your life a meaning. To live in comfort, be productive and do everything to reach that goal.

12. Stop existing, start living

There's a difference between existing and living. Living is experiencing. We are unfortunately pushed into a rat race early on in our lives. While competing in this race, we often forget to experience life. Stop for a while and look around you. Experience life for once – you'll definitely start living more and get away from mere existence.

13. Happiness is when you do something for others

Are you really happy? Look within yourself and think: if you are happy, who made you happy? What has made you this happy? When was the last time you found yourself this way? Do you remember what actions led you into this happiness? These are important questions. Find your answers, for that will help you understand how much happiness is related to your actions unto others as much as their actions unto you.

We are all connected. Yet life is hard and it can be painful sometimes. But equipped with these truths, you can tackle life as it comes, however painful it turns out to be.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Good Morning

Just be yourself. Let people see the real, imperfect, flawed, quirky, weird, beautiful & magical person that you are. - Mandy Hale

Subconscious Mind!

What if I told you that there was a part of your mind that is always working, even when you are asleep? This part of your mind is known as...