Contributed by Maria Hanna
Nov 15, 2007
A friend once told me, "I am a skeptic; Unless I have scientific evidence, I cannot believe in God." Then she started stating passages from the Bible that she cannot scientifically comprehend.
Let's move to a lighter scene with little children running around their dad happily teasing him, "daddy! daddy!" They do believe the man to be their father. They never ask, or even think of asking, for scientific proofs for their sonship to him. Even if their dad provides them with facts, their innocent, immature thinking will not grasp it.
They may consider such facts to be nonsense. It is not until they grow up that they understand.
In the same context, God has illuminated us with evidence of His existence through His amazingly created nature, the design of the universe, and man, as well as through His care and love to every one of us demonstrated in countless ways if we care to notice them. When Jesus tried to enrich souls with spiritual facts about Heaven, miracles, and Life after death, infant physical minds could not comprehend His message.
What is the easiest reaction? To consider such facts nonsense. One day when we "grow up" and our spiritual identity develops, we will declare such facts true - much the same as the little children do.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Subconscious Mind!
What if I told you that there was a part of your mind that is always working, even when you are asleep? This part of your mind is known as...
جب جوبن تیرا ڈھل جائے جب پیار کی عمر نکل جائے جب چھوڑ دے تجھ کو حُسن تیرا جب چہرہ پُر ہو جھریوں سے جب زلف کے خم نہ ہوں باقی جب رنگت ...
یہ چاند تارے فدا ہوں تجھ پر، الٹ دے تُو جو نقاب جاناں بہار ساری نثار تجھ پر، ہے چیز کیا یہ گلاب جاناں شمار کرتا ہوں خود کو تجھ پر، تُو زندگی...
This is a story told about a soldier who was finally coming home after having fought in Vietnam. He called his parents from San Francisco....