Monday, December 13, 2010

It will be Fun!

Is there anything you know you must do,
which you're reluctant to undertake?
Or is there something which you're positively dreading?
Perhaps it is a project you've been putting off, or a phone call
you must make, or a meeting you need to attend.
Think of what you need to do and tell yourself, "this will be fun!"
It sounds crazy, but it can really make a difference.
As soon as you say "this will be fun"
your mind starts looking for ways to justify that statement.
Actually, you simply don't know in advance how it will be,
because you cannot experience the future.
So your impressions of the dreaded action, whatever it is,
are formed mainly by the way you talk to yourself about it.
If you tell yourself "this will be horrible" it probably will be
horrible, simply because you've convinced yourself beforehand.
Do you really want to have a horrible experience? Of course not.
So tell yourself that "this will be fun" and it just might be. It won't hurt.
It could help. It will get you up and moving in the right direction.
"This will be fun!"

Subconscious Mind!

What if I told you that there was a part of your mind that is always working, even when you are asleep? This part of your mind is known as...