A wonderful article [one must read]:
How to Stay Relevant On The Job and Reduce Your Layoff RiskWith the national unemployment rate over 10% and no sign of slowing down any time soon, it's a good idea to start promotionshowing your employer that you are relevant and indispensable. If layoffs start (or continue!) at your place of employment, you will increase your chances of keeping your job if your employer finds you hard to replace.
Pretend You Just Started Your Job and Want to Make a Good Impression
Remember when you first interviewed for your job? Or when you interviewed for a different job you wish you had gotten? Think about how hard you tried to make a good impression and put your best foot forward. Pretend you just started your job, even if you've had it for 20 years, and do everything you can to show how valuable you are to the company. Be willing to go above and beyond your specific job description.
Keep a Growing List of Your Accomplishments and Improvements
In any economy, it's a good idea to update your resume or CV regularly to show your increasing skills and accomplishments. You can use this to present to your employer during a performance review for a salary increase; or in the event you need to find new employment.
Stop Doing "Other Stuff" While You're At Work
Once people grow comfortable in their jobs, it's been shown that individuals spend an average of 75 minutes a day or more using the work computer for activities that are non-related to work. In fact, a Gallup poll estimates that this hour or so of wasted time is costing your employer $6,000 or more in productivity PER EMPLOYEE. Use your work hours to work, and stop doing any activity that is not directly related to your position. You (and your boss) might be surprised at how much your productivity increases just by making this simple change.
Look Like You Care and Dress For Success
Even if your work has a very casual dress code, or maybe no dress code at all, you should take the time to look like you're ready to take over the boss's job at any moment! Dress to impress. Come to work well-groomed and in professional attire. You might find that as a natural result of looking more professional, you act more professional.
Ask Your Employer How to Advance in the Company
Instead of shying away from meetings and networking events at your company, start attending them. The more visible you are, the more your employer and management staff will take notice of your efforts. In fact, express your ambitions to progress and advance within the company to your employer and ask what you can do to make that move. You may receive additional challenges or responsibilities as a result of asking – and these are the perfect opportunity to show your boss you are committed to the job.
Even if you don't necessarily think you are going to be faced with a lay off at your job, acting like you may be under the gun can help you make yourself more valuable as an employee. The worst it can do for you is get you an advancement or promotion!
By Debbie Dragon
Source: http://www.complaintsboard.com/articles/how-to-stay-relevant-on-the-job-and-reduce-your-layoff-risk.html
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