Monday, August 10, 2009


Abundance is a mindset, a certain frequency you can tune into.

For example, look at those that are rich and successful; even if they lose their fortunes, or undergo a business collapse, they get straight back into the game, into the hunt.

Being down and out is NOT PART OF THEIR THINKING.

Those that accept defeat, their current situation in life, they DO NOT HAVE this Success Mindset.

This can be changed. this can be learned. Abundance is an attitude, one that can be shifted at will.

We learn from those that are more successful, more skilled than us.

Especially for those starting a new, difficult profession.

Adopt the mindset "I am the prosperity, I am the Abundance" and your life actions will begin to match your mental state. And in time (sometimes quick time!) the Abundance will come flowing in.

Abundance is not necessarily in Material Riches. Abundance is in happiness, joy, fulfillment, skilled abilities, emotional balance, familial reconciliation.

Abundance is a FULLNESS IN LIFE; a total satisfaction.

Abundance. It can be ours. Just shift your thinking.

Subconscious Mind!

What if I told you that there was a part of your mind that is always working, even when you are asleep? This part of your mind is known as...