Monday, January 07, 2008

How to install Apache and Microsoft IIS on the same machine

If you're developing sites on both the Apache web server and Microsoft's Internet Information Services (IIS), it's sometimes convenient to be able to run and

test both platforms on the same box.

Assuming you're running Windows, the easiest way to do this is to install IIS then Apache on your machine and have IIS listen on port 80 (the default, so you

need to do nothing) and have Apache listen on another - typically port 8080.

This can be specified during the Apache install using the wizard or if you've already installed Apache, you can change the port as follows:

Locate the httpd.conf file in the conf directory of the Apache install
Find the "Listen" line in that file
Change the line to: Listen 8080
Save the file
Restart Apache

Your IIS pages will be available via http://localhost and your Apache pages via http://localhost:8080

Subconscious Mind!

What if I told you that there was a part of your mind that is always working, even when you are asleep? This part of your mind is known as...